
Triple H comments on NXT switching days; takes shot at AEW 

The Wednesday Night Wars have been going on for almost a year
The Wednesday Night Wars have been going on for almost a year

There has been a lengthy online debate over the past few weeks in regards to whether the Wednesday Night Wars could be avoided. Both AEW and NXT have been able to move days in recent weeks and picked up more ratings when separate.

WWE COO Triple H was recently part of an NXT Media Call ahead of NXT Takeover: 31 this weekend, where he was asked a number of interesting questions.

When asked by The Wrestling Observer's Dave Meltzer about changing NXT to Tuesdays or Thursdays, Triple H stated that it is about what's best for WWE and their partners.

"I'm happy with where we are, there are conversations around all of our product at all times, the best place for it to sit, the best place for it to work, all of that. The funny thing I don't hear anyone else asking about is people moving on Wednesdays since we were always on Wednesdays."
"It comes down to a question of where the show best sits not only for us but for our partners and whenever they want to go to. We are open to doing the best business we can but it's not just a simple a decision as it's our decision and we just put the show where we put it. Those decisions are made by our partners and everything else."


At present, it appears that the Wednesday Night Wars will continue. However, Triple H made it clear that wherever NXT ends up or whatever day it's broadcast on, he just wants to put on the best show for his fans.

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