
WWE Hall of Famer Triple H discloses what led to his cardiac issue

WWE Hall of Famer Triple H poses with an image of himself
WWE Hall of Famer Triple H poses with an image of himself

WWE Hall of Famer Triple H spoke with ESPN's Stephen A. Smith in a one-on-one interview that will stream on ESPN+ tonight at 5:30pm. In an advanced clip from that conversation, Triple H revealed what led to his cardiac event and eventually, today's retirement.

The former WWE Champion explained that his heart wasn't ejecting fluid at a high enough rate, causing him to go into heart failure. Following this discovery, he was immediately admitted to the hospital's ER.

"I had a viral pneumonia. My lungs were inflamed and... as the next couple of days went on, when I got home, I got increasingly worse. [M]y wife saw some blood and stuff that I was coughing up and went and got checked... [I]t was coming from the viral pneumonia, but I had fluid in my lungs and I had some fluid around my heart..."

You can check out the promotional trailer below:

Triple H had family on his mind

Although he was concerned for his own well-being, The Game told Smith that he was mostly concerned for the welfare of his three daughters (who he has with fellow WWE Executive Stephanie McMahon).

"By the next morning... I was nosediving and I was sort of at the 1-yard line of where... you don't want to be, really, for your family and your future... we have three young girls; 15, 13, 11. Suddenly I come home and get a little bit sick and their dad, who's, you know, strong always suddenly is in the hospital."

He spoke about his feelings about the event and how he was concerned about what could happen.

"I don't know if they understood the consequences of it, but there's moments there where they're putting you out for stuff where you think, 'Is this it? Do you wake up from this?'"

The King of Kings would casually mention his days as an in-ring performer are over - especially considering there's a defribliator in his chest, stating "I don't want to get zapped in the middle of the ring."

BREAKING: @TripleH announced his retirement from in-ring competition on @espn @firsttake with @stephenasmith. https://t.co/qnyw9NVtv4

Sportskeeda would like to wish The King of Kings well and congratulate him on an incredible career. Share your thoughts and favorite memories from Triple H's career in the comments below!

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