
Unfortunate news for Elias after WWE release

Former WWE Superstar Elias has suffered another setback following his release.

Elias' nine-year WWE run came to an end when he was let go last month as a part of a mass release. He has been away from the spotlight since his WWE release.

The ex-WWE star's character relied heavily on music, and a bunch of his songs made it to Spotify. Unfortunately, his music has now been completely removed following his unexpected release. As a Reddit user noted mere hours ago, WWE has removed the 35-year-old star's music from Spotify.

Elias had a bunch of WWE goals in mind

Back in 2020, Elias had a chat with Sportskeeda's Ryan Boman. He talked about the goals he wanted to achieve in WWE and stated that he would love to win the Intercontinental title, the WWE title, or the Universal title. The Drifter had the following to say:

"You know, now god blessed me with some incredible talents along the way, one being music, and if I can merge those two as I have, and grow WWE popularity, music popularity, and it kind of shows that. We've seen WWE produce and create these Hollywood stars, you know The Rock, and Batista and John Cena, and maybe one day that's something for Elias."

He added:

"I'm not focussed on that, but right now, as for the music, if we can create a legitimate music star in the process of me doing my legitimate wrestling dreams, man, that would be the ideal ultimate goal there. And of course, from a WWE standpoint, winning a Championship. I always loved the Intercontinental Championship, the Universal, the WWE Championship, whatever it may be, I would love to have that, and I'm going to be doing everything I can to get there."

It remains to be seen what Elias has in store for fans now that he's no longer a WWE Superstar. He could be a great asset for any promotion that's interested in giving him a contract in the near future.

What did you think of Elias' WWE run? Sound off in the comments section below.

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