
Veteran explains why he was called "The Nature Boy" before WWE legend Ric Flair and beaten up (Exclusive)

A veteran recently claimed that he was called the Nature Boy way before WWE legend Ric Flair. He also stated that the nickname led to him getting beat up in his childhood.

The veteran in question is the legendary journalist, Bill Apter. Considered to be one the leading names in pro-wrestling journalism, Apter has seen his share of the ups and downs in the industry. On a recent episode of Sportskeeda's The Wrestling Time Machine hosted by Mac Davis, he recalled his nickname being The Nature Boy in his childhood.

Speaking with WWE Hall of Famer Teddy Long, the veteran journalist stated that he was a fan of Buddy Rogers, which led to his Nature Boy nickname:

"Ya Nature boy. My hero was Buddy Rogers when I was a kid. You know I would walk around, there was a group of guys that used to hang out by the Candy store called the Hilltop stompers in Queens. And I would walk out of my apartment building and strut like Buddy Rogers, and they would go 'The Nature Boy' is here, and they would beat the h*ll out of me and I would get up, 'You guys don't have any brains' and I would strut back and I would come back the next day and get beaten up again." [2:09 onwards]

WWE Hall of Famer Teddy Long also spoke about his nickname

WWE legend Teddy Long's nickname "Peanut Head" was apparently suggested by him, during his time working with Jim Cornette.

In the same episode of The Wrestling Time Machine, Teddy explained that the nickname originated when he was involved with Doom, the team of Butch Reed and Ron Simmons:

"When I was managing Butch Reed and Ron Simmons of the team of Doom, and we were working with Jim Cornette in the Midnight Express, well they were trying to think of something that they could say to me, or something you know that gets some heat. So I just told Cornette, I said well when I was a little boy I said my nickname was peanut. That's what they always called me as a child. So Cornette jumped right on that and that's how 'Peanut head'4 started." [0:23 onwards]

The "Peanut head" nickname certainly made for some entertaining segments and stands out as one of the most iconic parts of Teddy Long's career.

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