
"This is terrible" - Vince McMahon ordered a complete rewrite of Brock Lesnar's WWE profile page (Exclusive)

Vince McMahon (left); Brock Lesnar (right)
Vince McMahon (left); Brock Lesnar (right)

Vince McMahon once demanded that the WWE website team rewrite Brock Lesnar’s biography page because he thought it sounded “terrible.”

WWE.com lists dozens of past and current WWE performers in the ’Superstars' section of the website. Almost every profile page contains a large picture followed by several paragraphs detailing the person’s most notable achievements and storylines.

Jon Rineman, a former WWE writer, spoke to Sportskeeda Wrestling’s Kevin Kellam about his experiences working for the company. Rineman said someone once told him a story about the time McMahon suddenly decided that certain superstars’ bios needed changing:

“Vince said, ‘What are we doing with those, by the way?’ and they said, ‘What do you mean?’ He’s like, ‘When’s the last time we updated them?’ Then someone brought up the website and he just started going through, and the first one they had of course was Brock Lesnar, and Vince went, ‘Urgh, this is terrible. We gotta take all this down.’” [13:58-14:17]

Jon Rineman is among the cast of the new Turnbuckles podcast alongside Julie Harrison-Harney, Tim Silfies, and Tommy Rico. The first episode of the podcast debuts this Wednesday.

Vince McMahon’s instructions about Brock Lesnar’s bio

.@BrockLesnar has taken over @WWERomanReigns' locker room!

#SmackDown @HeymanHustle https://t.co/MDL3kzJaH0

Brock Lesnar’s current bio mentions the WWE Champion’s history as an NCAA Division 1 Heavyweight Champion and UFC Heavyweight Champion. It also references his memorable WWE victories against the likes of John Cena and The Undertaker.

Jon Rineman added that WWE’s writers spent two hours creating a new bio for Brock Lesnar following Vince McMahon’s negative remarks:

“In real time they deleted his bio from the website and then they spent, I heard, two hours, as a group, rewriting Brock Lesnar’s bio, and it was literally Vince saying like, ‘Magnificent… monstrous.’ … They got to the end and he goes, ‘Who’s next?’ They were like, ‘Randy Orton.’ He’s like, ‘Do that tomorrow.’ That was the end of the meeting.” [14:17-14:59]

WWE’s profile pages are not always kept up to date, especially when superstars join and leave the company. Cesaro, for example, left WWE in February but is still listed as a SmackDown star.

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