
Vince Russo explains why he was livid after watching WWE Backlash (Exclusive)

While WWE Backlash was a major success in most people's eyes, Vince Russo was extremely enraged by one aspect of the show. He recently talked about the reason for his irritation and explained his point.

Backlash had a stacked card of matches, with quite a few titles on the line. As expected, the French audience kept up the hype with their high energy throughout the show. However, Vince Russo thinks that this led to the actual talent in the ring being inadvertently insulted.

Speaking on Sportskeeda's The Wrestling Outlaws, Russo explained his thoughts:

"They have dialogue. They are trying to tell a story. As EC3 knows, they are trying to get business across. They are trying to do business, and there is dialogue involved and there's storytelling. And in the middle of all of this, you got entire crowd going into business for themselves. Now I will say this bro, and I am not a performer. To me, first and foremost, that is absolutely 1000% disprespect for the talent in the ring. They are trying to do their job, they are trying to tell a story, and it is more important for you as a crowd to get yourself over." [2:01 onwards]

EC3 also agreed with the WWE veteran's perspective

While Vince Russo's reasoning may seem unconventional, EC3 also recognized the argument's validity and agreed with the veteran.

On the same episode of Sportskeeda's The Wrestling Outlaws, EC3 spoke about the audience from a wrestler's point of view and explained why this may be harmful to WWE in the long run:

"You wanna feed off the energy and kind of play with it, because if it's a novelty and a one-off, it's 'well that was fun, that was different.' If it is a re-occuring thing... Dude how am I gonna main event WrestleMania in the UK if they are gonna be singing freaking soccer songs the whole time? My moment's gonna be overshadowed by them... getting into fist fights and getting over. I think the novelty is cool for the moment, but it could wear thin if it's a re-occuring thing." [8:14 onwards]

As of now, it remains to be seen if future international WWE programs will also face the same issue.

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