
Vince Russo reacts to Odyssey Jones' reported WWE firing (Exclusive)

Several wrestling names have reacted to Odyssey Jones' reported release from WWE over the last week, including Vince Russo. The former WWE writer believes the situation shows how quickly someone's career can suddenly end after an allegation is made public.

Jones joined WWE in 2019 and spent four years in the NXT developmental system. After initially receiving a RAW call-up in 2023, the 30-year-old finally debuted on the show on August 5. He began appearing on television with Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods before the storyline was abruptly nixed amid domestic violence claims.

Russo told host Dr. Chris Featherstone on Sportskeeda Wrestling's Writing With Russo show that WWE should have taken Jones off TV instead of reportedly firing him. He also addressed how easily a wrestler's reputation could be tarnished based on an allegation:

"It is so scary, bro, how easy it is to end someone's livelihood," Russo said. "I'm not saying the guy [is innocent]. I have no idea. I have no clue. But we live in a society now where if you just literally make something up, start a rumor, that could be the end." [4:29 – 4:50]

Watch the video above to hear Russo's opinion on what should happen next to The New Day's Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods.

Vince Russo once lost a job over an allegation

In 2018, Vince Russo was let go from PodcastOne after higher-ups at the podcasting network took exception to a comment he made about a reporter.

Russo believes the incident was blown out of proportion and summed up why companies should listen to both sides of a story before making decisions:

"Bro, that happened to me over at PodcastOne many, many, many years ago where one of these dirt sheet writers said I did something that I never did. They never called me, they never checked into it. I got an email that they were canceling my show. No discussion, nothing, bro, and what the person was saying was one billion percent frivolous. It's just scary, man, in the day and age that we live in, if somebody wants to end you, it's that simple. It is that simple, bro." [4:52 – 5:30]

Russo further explained why he thinks WWE should have handled the Odyssey Jones allegations differently.

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If you use quotes from this article, please credit Writing With Russo and embed the exclusive YouTube video, with an H/T to Sportskeeda Wrestling for the transcription.

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