
Vince Russo reacts to WWE legend's arrest and sentencing (Exclusive)

Former WWE writer Vince Russo recently spoke about the Hall of Famer Sunny's arrest, discussing her early years in the pro-wrestling business.

Despite being a well-known former WWE legend, Sunny has a history of multiple arrests for disorderly behaviour and burglary. She was recently convicted guilty of driving under the influence and causing the death of an elderly citizen. As a result, she received a sentence of 17 years in jail, 8 years on probation, and a permanent suspension of her driving privileges.

Speaking on Sportskeeda's Wrestling Outlaws, Vince Russo recalled how young Sunny was when she got into pro-wrestling. He stated:

"I gotta tell you. Sunny got into professional wrestling at a very young age. And when you are that young, and you are on the road and you have money, and you are really still a kid, that's just a recipe for disaster, man. And she did get in young bro, she got in like 21-22 years old, and like I said man, out on the road, money, partying, drinking, drugs, a lot of stuff that goes with professional wrestling. Bro, some people can handle it, some people can't." [5:26 onwards]

WWE Hall of Famer Teddy Long had also commented on Sunny's arrest

Sunny's harsh sentencing has drawn a lot of attention in the pro-wrestling industry. Teddy Long had also commented on the topic earlier, recalling the time he met her at a convention.

Speaking on Sportskeeda's Wrestling Time Machine, Teddy Long stated:

"I didn't know her very well, I did meet her and everything. She was always a nice lady, very nice, and, you know, it's just sad to see, you know, how drugs and things can really take over people and cause them to, you know, have such a tragic life, and this is pretty much tragic for her," Teddy Long said. [5:59 - 6:16]

For now, Sunny will be forced to spend time in prison for her actions.

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