
Twitter reacts to WALTER name change on NXT

WALTER ruled NXT UK with a dominant title reign
WALTER ruled NXT UK with a dominant title reign

Record-setting former champion WALTER wrestled a hard-hitting match with Roderick Strong on last night's NXT 2.0.

After the match, Imperium attacked Strong, prompting a rescue from The Creed Brothers. WALTER took to the mic after defeating Strong, announcing that the winner was "GUNTHER".

The name change caused the Austrian Superstar to trend on Twitter, with fans vocal about their opinions.

One user pictured Triple H's reaction.

Trips founding out about #WALTER's name change... #WWENXT https://t.co/QttmrH0EiT

Another suggested WWE should've dropped the trademark for the name entirely, given the controversy attached to it.

Creative aside, they probably should have dropped the entire Gunther name after discovering the historic connection to the trademarked name. That’s as nice and as fair as it can be said. #walter #Wwenxt

Many were making light of the situation, including some likening GUNTHER to the "Friends" character of the same name.

I probably should be working but I had to get this out of my head and into the world. - Butch #Walter #Gunther #NXT https://t.co/OhMow0Pi8G

Some are even using Twitter as a platform to boycott the new name, stating that they'll still call him by his old name.

@WalterAUT !!!! #NXT #Walter BOYCOTT THE NEW NAME https://t.co/bIvb0MVSoo

WALTER's new name is controversial

When WWE trademarked the name Gunther Stark, it raised controversy for its connections to Nazi Germany.

Gunther Stark is an identical name to that of a German U-Boat commander in World War II. Stark was a member of the Olympia Crew, who produced 140 U-Boat commanders for Nazi Germany during the Second World War.

WWE has seemingly dropped the "Stark" part, but even the first name is enough to raise eyebrows.

The controversy attached to the name change could create obstacles for the Ring General's WWE career, but the Twitter consensus is that the wrestling world is firmly behind him.

Former WWE superstar Keith Lee expressed his sympathy.

Man....if what I'm hearing is real....

Poor Walter.

Analyst Ryan Satin also blasted the name change, questioning why it happened.

What is the point of changing WALTER’s name to Gunther? It’s basically the same thing …

As more news regarding WALTER's name change breaks, there are sure to be more reactions from fans and wrestling industry figures.

What do you think of the name GUNTHER? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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