
Hall of Famer says Vince McMahon doubled his pay after he put in his papers, calls him "smart and diabolical"

Vince McMahon
Vince McMahon

Vince McMahon doubled the pay of a WWE Hall of Famer after he put in his papers in WWE. Arn Anderson, part of the legendary Four Horsemen faction, said that Vince McMahon doubled his pay after he informed him that he would be quitting the company. The WWE Chairman did so knowing that Anderson and his then tag team partner Tully Blanchard would leave the company.

Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard joined WWE in 1988, after quitting NWA Jim Crockett Promotions. But the duo lasted just a year in the company, before quitting in 1989.

On his ARN podcast, Arn Anderson revealed how he and Blanchard informed Vince McMahon that they would be leaving the company and said that the WWE Chairman was "insulted" by them quitting.

"Let me tell you how smart and diabolical he (Vince McMahon) is. After Tully was sent home and however many weeks that I had left (on his contract), we were working with Demolition. Suddenly my pay doubled. Every week it was like, wait a minute. Am I getting the right check here? He ended up paying me more than I had made with Crockett, substantially. So at the end of the day, he did what he said he was going to do, even though he didn’t tell us at the time he was going to do it. It was like a F.U. to Tully and a F.U. to me that hey guys, see, I told you to stick with me. I can do anything I want, anytime I want. That ended up being my biggest year in the business, year to date," said Anderson. (H/T WrestlingNews)

Blanchard was suspended by WWE for drug use, which Anderson said was done by Vince McMahon intentionally to give a "black eye" to them when they were to return to WCW. Anderson stated that McMahon doubled their pay out of spite and to show them that he could. 

Arn Anderson in Vince McMahon's WWE

Arn Anderson in AEW
Arn Anderson in AEW

Anderson had just one stint as a wrestler in Vince McMahon's promotion, which came in the aforementioned period. He returned to the company in 2001 and had various roles backstage in WWE.

He was let go by WWE last year and is currently a part of AEW.

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