
"Why is everybody so worried about this?" - AJ Styles opens up on the future of his tag team with Omos

AJ Styles and Omos are former RAW Tag Team Champions
AJ Styles and Omos are former RAW Tag Team Champions

AJ Styles believes he and Omos are on the same page regarding the future of their tag team.

WWE correspondent Kevin Egan caught up with AJ Styles and Omos on RAW Talk this week to discuss reports of differences between Styles and Omos. There were signs of tension between the two men last week when the former tag team champions failed to make it to the finals of the RK-Bro-nament.

Styles cleared the air by saying that there was nothing wrong between the two men. Styles commented on the team's future, mentioning that they would once again dominate the division and win tag team gold.

Here's what AJ Styles had to say:

"Listen, it's all under control. We're the greatest tag team that are in the WWE right now. We just have to get our ducks in a row. Next time him (Omos) and I are in a match together, we're going to dominate, like we always do. It's fine. Why is everybody so worried about this?"
Our pal @kev_egan looks to get the scoop from @AJStylesOrg & @TheGiantOmos on #RAWTalk! https://t.co/ycxyKfJ9k5

You can watch the full video here.

AJ Styles and Omos were eliminated in the first round of the RK-Bro-nament

"Omos, we good?"
"We're golden."

Can @AJStylesOrg & @TheGiantOmos get back on track?
#WWERaw https://t.co/HbuC7E9yz7

Last week on RAW, the Street Profits got the better of AJ Styles and Omos. The match came to a surprising end when Omos tagged himself in and ended up getting counted out. This did not sit well with the Phenomenal One. Omos stormed off, leaving AJ Styles behind looking confused as to what happened.

However, during a backstage interview this week on RAW, Styles assured the WWE Universe that all was well with the tag team. He mentioned that he was a veteran in the business and in all his years, he's not seen anyone as good as Omos. He declared that he was not giving up on Omos.

AJ Styles and Omos are an entertaining and highly talented duo. It shouldn't be too long before they are crowned tag team champions again.

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