
"I did not come from the world of theater" -The Rock on Vin Diesel's comments about him

The Rock gives a fitting response (Pic Source: Buda Mendes/LatinContent/Getty Images)
The Rock gives a fitting response (Pic Source: Buda Mendes/LatinContent/Getty Images)

In Vanity Fair, Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson responded to Vin Diesel's comments about getting a 'good performance' out of him, which led The Rock to state that a part of him wouldn't dignify any of that with an answer.

Vanity Fair, which did an expansive profile on The Rock, covered the 'beef' between him and Vin Diesel and how they differ from each other. In a previous interview, Diesel said that it was 'a lot of work' to get a good performance out of The Rock.

Johnson, when asked, laughed at the observation but decided to go into further detail:

“You know, I’ll tell you this,” he says eventually. “One part of me feels like there’s no way I would dignify any of that with an answer. But here’s the truth. I’ve been around the block a lot of times. Unlike him, I did not come from the world of theater. And, you know, I came up differently and was raised differently. And I came from a completely different culture and environment. I go into every project giving it my all. If I feel that there’s some things that need to be squared away and handled and taken care of, then I do it. And it’s just that simple. So when I read that, just like everybody else, I laughed. I laughed hard. We all laughed. And somewhere I’m sure Fellini is laughing too,” The Rock concluded.

The Rock even alluded to Federico Fellini, the Italian film director that Vin Diesel seemingly compared himself to in his quote.

I knew going in that this @VanityFair cover and inside story would be the culmination and definition of my life and career.
So I drank tequila and told the truth.
Deeply personal, open and raw.
Honored to share it with you.
Enjoy the read.
dj 🖤
bit.ly/djvf https://t.co/VIeKiSIFBn

Surprisingly, Vin Diesel would take credit for The Rock's performance in the Fast and Furious franchise. While both men having seemingly buried the hatchet, it wouldn't be presumptuous to attest that neither will be having the other over for dinner.

The Rock gives Becky Lynch permission to use 'The Rock Bottom'

Becky Lynch says she called and asked The Rock if she could take his Rock Bottom and make the Manhandle Slam and, of course, he said yes.

She told him how she was going to use it at SummerSlam. [@ryansatin]

In an interview, Becky Lynch revealed that she spoke to The Rock before her WWE SummerSlam 2021 return. Specifically, Lynch wanted to use The Rock Bottom as her finisher.

According to her, The Rock was gracious and gave her permission to do so. Lynch returned at WWE SummerSlam 2021 to regain the WWE SmackDown Women's Championship.

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