
WWE Producer Tyson Kidd shares what Stu Hart said to Vince McMahon after Owen Hart's death

Former WWE Wrestler and current producer, TJ Wilson
Former WWE Wrestler and current producer, TJ Wilson

TJ Wilson, also known as Tyson Kidd of WWE, talked with Chris Van Vliet in an interview covering various subjects, including the unfortunate night Owen Hart died at Over the Edge in 1999.

During the interview with Chris Van Vliet, TJ Wilson shared his point of view of what happened that night and revealed the interaction that Owen's father Stu Hart had with WWE chairman Vince McMahon after Owen had died.

At the 27:32 mark of the YouTube video, TJ Wilson recalls what Stu Hart said to Vince McMahon:

"I can remember Stu saying like- Stu said something and I don't know if it was like the promoter in him, but Stu said something like, he said something to the effect of like, uh man- like to Vince, almost like he felt bad for Vince, he said, like I feel bad for you, I wouldn't want to be in your shoes right now. And that's just like- that's just how Stu was..."

It was a dark night in the history of WWE and the issue sparks controversy to this day. During Owen Hart's entrance from the ceiling of the arena, the Canadian star fell seventy-eight feet when his harness malfunctioned. He was injured severely and passed away at a nearby hospital soon after.

Stu Hart also trained many other greats in the Hart Dungeon, stars who went on to win championships in WWE, like his son Bret Hart. Another descendant of the Hart family who currently wrestles is Natalya, who is married to TJ Wilson. Stu Hart is truly one of the key figures in the rise of many Canadian talents.

TJ Wilson AKA Tyson Kidd still works in WWE as a Producer

Tyson Kidd has a backstage role in WWE
Tyson Kidd has a backstage role in WWE

Tyson Kidd retired from in-ring action in WWE in 2015 after suffering a spinal cord injury during a dark match. However, he soon assumed the role of a Producer in WWE in 2017 and still works backstage to this day.

He has been commended for having a hand in WWE's women's division and has helped many wrestlers to grow and improve.

Even though Tyson Kidd has been away from the ring for a long time, he still remains in shape and shows off his physique on social media. He even runs the ropes from time to time, as he once posted on his Instagram. This was one of the major points that led people to believe that he was returning to in-ring action.

Although the thought of Tyson Kidd returning to the ring would be very exciting, a spinal cord injury is very serious and poses a great risk. Nonetheless, during his time as a wrestler, Tyson Kidd was an outstanding yet underrated performer. He is still praised by many of his colleagues.

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