WWE star who was almost 'fired' allies with former AEW name; Vic Joseph labels brutal beatdown "disheartening"
A WWE Superstar who was almost 'fired' has seemingly formed an alliance with former AEW star Shawn Spears. Vic Joseph labeled his brutal beatdown tonight as "disheartening."
Josh Briggs, Brooks Jensen, and Fallon Henley were a faction for several years. During this time, Briggs and Jensen grew close like brothers. However, the group decided to part ways a couple of months ago. Following this split, Jensen lost his way on the roster.
He started displaying erratic behavior and caused havoc at shows. As a result, he was almost fired for his mishaps, but WWE NXT GM Ava decided to give him another chance when he said that he had changed. But this wasn't true, as Jensen attacked Je'Von Evans that same night. He next faced Evans in a singles contest and attacked him after the match. This didn't make Briggs happy, which resulted in a NO DQ match being set up for tonight.
Before the match could start, Jensen jumped Josh from behind. Once the match started, things got brutal pretty quickly. Briggs put his former tag team partner through the announcer's table.
During the match, Shawn Spears came out to the ring. This caused Briggs to grab him by the collar. Jensen capitalized on this distraction and attacked Josh Briggs multiple times with a steel chair. Even WWE NXT commentator Vic Joseph labeled this brutal beatdown as disheartening. He then hit the DDT on the steel chair for the win after pointing to Shawn Spears.
It remains to be seen what this alliance with Shawn Spears means for Brooks Jensen.