WWE Superstar shockingly returns from injury
A WWE Superstar recently made a shocking return from injury. After almost a month on the shelf, Je'Von Evans made his presence felt on tonight's episode of NXT.
The 20-year-old returned, to the surprise of many, and attacked Ethan Page. To those who may wonder why, All Ego injured Evans back in December, breaking his jaw and putting him out of commission.
It is exactly for this reason that Evans' return was so surprising. Even if it was a kayfabe injury, returning from an injury like a broken jaw in just four weeks is insane. And, as expected, it proved to be a mistake.
Je'Von Evans attacked Page after the latter had gone out of his way to injure yet another WWE Superstar, Dante Chen. Evans hit the former NXT Champion from behind and forced him into the ring.
He hit the 35-year-old Page with a couple of punches, but immediately went down after the latter caught him with a quick hook.
This then led to horrific scenes, as Evans was left lying on the mat bleeding profusely from his mouth once again. Meanwhile, Page stood over him, sarcastically and cruelly telling him to smile. It will be interesting to see what comes next for the young star and if he learns from his mistakes.