
WWE Tag Team Championship match on SmackDown ends in chaos; four different teams get involved

DIY took on Pretty Deadly in a WWE Tag Team Championship match on SmackDown tonight. However, the match ended in chaos and never reached its end, as two other teams threw themselves into the mix.

The two teams in question were The Street Profits and The Motor City Machine Guns. Once Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins entered the fray, all hell broke loose, and the match ended in a DQ.

The match itself had a chaotic start, as DIY tried to hold a moment of silence for Pretty Deadly only to be interrupted by their opponents. This led to a brawl before the bell rang, all while Pretty Deadly's music was playing in the background.

It was a pretty even affair, as both teams managed to get some offense in. Unfortunately, the interruption of the Street Profits put an end to what would have been an incredible WWE Tag Team Championship match. It was complete and utter chaos as Dawkins and Ford rushed in and laid out everybody.

The Motor City Machine Guns tried to intervene, but they, too, stood no chance against this new and unhinged version of the Profits. At the end of it all, they were the ones who stood tall on WWE SmackDown.

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