
NXT: 5 Points to Note (13 September 2017)

Until the very end, this was an underwhelming episode of NXT!
Until the very end, this was an underwhelming episode of NXT!

With a historic episode of the Mae Young Classic, an explosive RAW featuring John Cena vs. Braun Strowman for the first time ever and perhaps the best episode of SmackDown Live in ages, this was a good week for sports entertainment.

Unfortunately, with no major developments taking place this week, this episode of NXT just felt a tad underwhelming, until the last few minutes when The Undisputed Era (more on that later) took centre stage. Let's revisit the episode and find out what worked and what did not, as we list five points to note.

Let us know if you agree, disagree or have any specific opinions, in the comments below.

#5 Yet another fabulous main event

The UK Tournament Competitors can do no wrong
The UK Tournament Competitors can do no wrong

As historic as the Mae Young Classic tournament was, the level of wrestling was just about on par with WWE standards. It reminded us just how good the wrestling was during the WWE United Kingdom Tournament.

This week, we saw The Bruiserweight Pete Dunne and Wolfgang take each other to the limit, with an absolutely destructive showcase of hard-hitting moves for the WWE United Kingdom Championship.

This match was a treat for wrestling purists, especially considering how well the two men knew each other, countering moves, Dunne applying the most painful looking submissions and Wolfgang defying gravity with some high flying action. It was funny to see how a complete, despicable heel like Pete Dunne got the biggest babyface reaction of the night at Full Sail University.

Dunne won the match and is still your United Kingdom Champion. Considering he gets the best reaction in the whole division, we suspect he'll hold the belt for some time now.

Of course, it was after he won the match that the action really started...

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