
NXT Takeover: Brooklyn III — Preview & Predictions 

NXT kicks off SummerSlam weekend with a bang!
NXT kicks off SummerSlam weekend with a bang!

We've just got word that the Superstars of NXT were held up at Orlando Airport, for thirteen hours, ahead of their flight to New York for the third edition of NXT Takeover in Brooklyn. Sometimes, the wait lights a fire in your belly to outshine expectations and create history.

Also follow: WWE NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn III, 2017 Results, Live Updates and Commentary

The men and women who will be part of this Takeover event know that this is their biggest stage yet and should put on a show that will be remembered for a very long time. Let's examine the matches, one after the other, and ascertain who goes over whom in each particular encounter.

#5 A hard hitting non-title encounter

The strikes in this match will be absolutely massive indeed!
The strikes in this match will be absolutely fast and furious!

Sometimes, matches don't even need a title on the line to be special. Aleister Black is an undefeated superstar on the rise, and it is clear that WWE has special plans for the Dutchman. After all, he has also appeared on the main roster, as a part of WWE Main Event previously. Put him in the ring against someone like Hideo Itami — a man with a furious temper combined with a newfound aggression — and you have the stage for a modern day classic.

We must admit that as exciting as Itami has looked as a borderline heel, we simply cannot see Black losing a match and all the momentum that he has built up over the last few months. Black is almost like the male version of Asuka right now and is, in many ways, completely bulletproof at the moment. We think he will win the match with his patented 'Black Mass' spin kick and move on to bigger and better programs soon. This should be an absolutely stunning match, in any case.

Winner: Aleister Black

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