
Opinion: Ambrose vs Rollins should culminate at Wrestlemania 35

Hottest feud in WWE right now
Hottest feud in WWE right now

WWE Universal Champion Brock Lesnar is nowhere to be found on TV again. However, he is scheduled to defend his title at the Royal Rumble. Whoever the opponent may be, Lesnar is almost expected to retain his belt and move on to Wrestlemania with his championship.

According to the rumors, Lesnar's opponent at Wrestlemania 35 might be none other than The Architect, Seth Rollins. Seth vs Brock would be a worthy main event match, and Seth winning would make the fans happy.

However, Seth Rollins is currently in a feud with Dean Ambrose and it has just started. Rollins is scheduled to defend his title in a one on one match with his former Shield brother at TLC. This is the first match they are having after Ambrose's heel turn, and considering the storyline, WWE must not end the feud here.

These two are great wrestlers and have a good in-ring chemistry with each other, and fans are emotionally invested in this feud due to the history and Roman's unfortunate leukemia remission.

WWE is often found guilty these days of not giving the storylines proper time to build. They cut short many feuds which could have been great if given proper time.

Rollins's feud with Ambrose must not be given the same treatment; these two must be given proper time with the proper story and build up. Also, given the superstars involved, it would not be tough to extend this feud.

There are many options as to how the feud should pan out. At TLC, Ambrose vs Rollins can end in a double count-out or can have a DQ finish, or they could let Seth win and then plan a post-match beat down on Rollins from Ambrose. This will help further the storyline.

Between TLC and Wrestlemania, there are 2 more PPVs, one of which is the Royal Rumble. It is easy to book these two superstars at the Royal Rumble. They can be in the Royal Rumble match and can eliminate each other or one of them could eliminate the other.

At the next special event, Rollins could defend his title in a fatal 4 Way, fatal 5 Way or in an Elimination Chamber match. He could lose his title to guys like Finn Balor, Elias, or Dolph Ziggler.

This will free Rollins from the IC title and he would be able to focus on Dean and would want to finish what Dean started. This would set up their Wrestlemania match and it could be the match of the night if given sufficient time.

WWE can always make Rollins the number 1 contender and have him feud with the Universal champion, but Ambrose vs Rollins is an emotional feud and must be given a big platform like Wrestlemania to end.

As for Universal Championship, Brock can defend his title against Drew McIntyre while for IC title, WWE can book Finn Balor vs John Cena at WrestleMania 35.

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