Opinion: Brock Lesnar's Money in the Bank victory was not needed and a waste of the briefcase

Last night’s Money in the Bank Ladder match got underway with only seven participants, as Sami Zayn, who was attacked backstage earlier in the show, did not appear. This led many fans to speculate as to who would take his spot? As Ali was alone in the ring and was climbing the ladder, Brock Lesnar’s music hit and he comes out and takes out Ali and retrieves the Money in the Bank briefcase. This was another example of WWE shooting themselves in the foot as this was unnecessary and another wasted Money in the Bank contract winner.
First of all, all seven of the participants in the match destroyed their bodies in the match, especially Finn Balor and Ricochet, only to have Lesnar show up and just climb the ladder and win the match without even breaking a sweat. If you were any of the men in that match wouldn’t you be frustrated if you destroyed yourself to get a title shot, only to have someone show up and do absolutely nothing and win? I know I would be.
There were so many other ways that Lesnar could have gotten back in the title picture. He could’ve interfered in the AJ Styles-Seth Rollins WWE title match or destroy Rollins after the match. He could have appeared on RAW tonight and cause chaos until he got a title shot, most likely at the upcoming Super Showdown event. Instead, WWE put Lesnar in a match which is supposed to be for upcoming superstars who would be able make their way up in the WWE by holding the prestigious briefcase.
The other issue is that it is another year that the Money in the Bank briefcase is going to waste, and as a result it makes the match lose its luster and meaning. In 2017, Baron Corbin won the Money in the Bank contract, which was fine, but lost his cash in attempt against Jinder Mahal thanks to John Cena. Corbin hasn’t fully recovered to this date.
Last year, Braun Strowman won the match, which wasn’t needed since Strowman was pretty much a main eventer at the time. He turned heel against Roman Reigns and the Shield and lost his cash in attempt inside Hell in a Cell thanks to a no finish caused by Brock Lesnar.
Now this year, Lesnar won the briefcase when he has absolutely no need for it. What makes it worse is that Bayley has already cashed in her briefcase so there’s really no drama left as to when and where someone will cash in, which is part of what makes Money in the Bank great.