Opinion: Every female superstar in Women's MITB Ladder Match and her possible future run as 'Ms. Money in the Bank'

Money in the Bank, one of the most talked about PPVs of WWE, is on the horizon and with it, the second ‘Ms. Money in the Bank’ ladder match. After a disappointing outcome in the last year’s match with Ellsworth dropping the briefcase to Carmella which resulted in a rematch, WWE fans are expecting more for this year’s match.
Instead of discussing usual predictions of the match and picking out a winner, let’s talk about the future that holds for each female Superstar if she manages to become ‘Ms. Money in the Bank’.
As Carmella won last year’s SD live exclusive MITB Ladder match, there’s a high chance that WWE chooses a RAW superstar to be ‘Ms. Money in the Bank 2018’. But whatever the outcome may be, we can be pretty sure that these four superstars representing the… overused cliché by Michael Cole alert…'longest running weekly episodic show' right now would give their very best performances.
1. Sasha Banks

Michael Cole never fails to remind us that ‘It’s Boss time’. Obviously, it won’t always turn out to be true. But this time, when he says the same thing at MITB pay-per-view, he might have a point.
Sasha Banks, according to me, is most likely to become ‘Ms. Money in the Bank’. With her ability to swap from babyface to heel gimmick effortlessly, she could be a perfect choice.
If Sasha wins, her approach towards winning the title could differ depending on the gimmick (babyface or heel) of the champion. The Boss has already won the RAW women’s title four times. So, if and when she becomes ‘Ms. Money in the Bank’, it’s probable that WWE would take its time to let her cash-in.
If she loses, she would go back to her same storyline with Bayley which isn’t going anywhere as of now. There’s also a possibility Bayley could be the one that’d cost Banks her match at MITB thus fully turning Bayley heel and setting off a hopefully rejuvenated fued with her fellow horsewomen.