
Opinion: How can Seth Rollins win back the crowd?

Former Universal Champion Seth Rollins
Former Universal Champion Seth Rollins

For the majority of 2019, Seth Rollins has been the latest superstar the crowd has turned against giving a push to the former Universal champion. It became worse after beating "The Fiend" Bray Wyatt at Hell in a Cell earlier this year.

Now unpopular, hated, and dethroned as champion, it seems like it's the perfect time for Rollins to get the crowd back on his side. The question is, how?

To get him back to his former state there are a couple of things he can do to make him top guy once again.

It starts with an absence from television, live shows, and especially social media. In addition to him disappearing for a while, have no mention of him during any programming including from his fiance Becky Lynch. A complete absence would be beneficial to help build his character back.

Next, a new theme and eliminate the "Burn it Down" phrase. It's old at this point and if you know anything about the fans, they're always looking for something new.

The promotion has this idea of "If it's not broke why fix it?" but when things get worn out, you replace it, right? The same idea should go for the rest of the gimmicks in the company and not just Bray Wyatt. It's Rollins' turn to become more than just the Beast Slayer.

Rollins during his days in NXT
Rollins during his days in NXT

Lastly, the thing that we're all noticing, is a possible re-alliance with Triple H and NXT. This may be a good idea as you have seen the pop Tyler Breeze, Finn Balor, and Kevin Owens received when they stepped foot back in the black and gold brand.

No guarantee the pop will be as loud with Rollins but if he were to re-emerge from his hiatus in NXT. He needs to be given a bit more creative freedo, over his next character, especially as a heel, and give him new attire or a haircut which will begin that journey of becoming a household name once again.

Rollins has the potential as a future Hall of Famer to become The Guy once again. However, no one likes to be forced to like someone. If WWE wants Rollins to be the face of the company once again, they have to let him wait in the shadows until it's his time again. It won't be immediate, but the wait will be worth the return.

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