
Opinion: Seth Rollins needs to be added to the WrestleMania main event

The WrestleMania 31 main event needs to happen again, for real this time

This Sunday we will find out who will be facing Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania, probably in the main event, for the WWE Universal Championship, and unless you have stayed clear of wrestling news websites and social media for the past year, you would have heard that Brock will be facing Roman Reigns.

When this match originally happened at WrestleMania 31, the negative reaction it received in the weeks leading up to it prompted WWE to have Seth Rollins cash in his Money in the Bank contract and briefly turn it into a Triple Threat. Rollins would win the WWE Championship and send the majority of fans in the Levi Stadium home, happy. I believe that something like this needs to happen again in order to save the main event of WrestleMania 34, not a Money in the Bank Cash in of course, but Seth Rollins being added to the match, somehow, someway.

Seth Rollins was enjoying a 7+ month WWE Championship reign before he tore the ACL, MCL and medial meniscus in his knee while attempting to execute a sunset flip powerbomb, during a live event in Dublin, Ireland in November 2015, and he hasn't had that much of an opportunity since to reclaim WWE's top prize.

Seth was originally planned to face his now former tag team partner Jason Jordan in a match at WrestleMania, however Jordan is now out with a serious back injury that will have him miss WrestleMania. This now leaves Seth open for a new match.

WWE's MVP, again?

Much like the past three years, Roman Reigns is not in for a smooth night from the WWE Universe. It is almost a guarantee that he will be booed out of the building for his 4th consecutive 'Mania main event. WWE need to prevent WrestleMania ending with loud boos from the crowd for the 3rd year in a row and they can do this by adding Seth Rollins to the match. As mentioned, Seth is now free, he is due another title opportunity in the eyes of many fans, his 65 minute performance on Monday's RAW reminded us all why he is still one of the best wrestlers in the world and a Triple Threat match, no matter who wins, would be a far more thrilling main event than Lesnar vs Reigns.

It is probably a long shot, but a WWE Universal Championship match with Brock Lesnar vs Roman Reigns vs Seth Rollins is the by far best option WWE now has, to end WrestleMania 34 on a solid note.

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