
Opinion: The Undertaker saving Roman Reigns isn't a bad idea

The Undertaker made a surprise return to save Roman Reigns
The Undertaker made a surprise return to save Roman Reigns

In a shocking turn of events, The Undertaker returned on last night’s RAW to save Roman Reigns from a beatdown at the hands of Shane McMahon and Drew McIntyre. It was also announced that Taker and Reigns will team up at Extreme Rules to take on Shane and Drew. After you get over the initial shock of Undertaker’s return, it actually isn’t a bad idea to have Taker return here. 

One of the main complaints is that Undertaker saving Reigns makes no sense, especially given their past with Reigns defeating him at WrestleMania 33. However, the argument can be made that The Undertaker now has mutual respect for Reigns after their match. The Undertaker has also referred to himself as “The Authority” in the past, so the case can also be made that he is tired of Shane’s power trip and wants to put an end to it. Combine these two factors together and an Undertaker-Reigns tag team isn’t too far-fetched and is logical. 

The other complaint is that The Undertaker should not be wrestling at his age and in his condition, which is a fair criticism given his match against Goldberg at Super Showdown. However, a tag match will limit how much he is in the ring, as Reigns is likely to do most of the heavy lifting. All Undertaker has to do is just get the hot tag, hit his spots, and that’s it. The less time he is in the ring, the better the match will be. 

Finally, and possibly most importantly, this could be a huge opportunity for Drew McIntyre. He will be in the ring with the son of his boss, arguably the face of the company, and a legend and future Hall of Famer. Not many can say they have been in that situation, so that must say a lot about how WWE sees McIntyre. This could even lead to a future match with McIntyre and Undertaker with Drew going over. As much as fans want Taker to retire, they know they would love for Drew to pin Undertaker.  

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