
Opinion: The WWE Universe deserves Goldberg vs Matt Riddle

Matt Riddle getting ready to battle Bronson Reed on NXT
Matt Riddle getting ready to battle Bronson Reed on NXT

In case you didn't see, Matt Riddle busted out the Jackhammer last night on NXT. If you didn't, I've got you covered.

Don't you dare tease me like that official NXT Twitter account! I feel like Hawkeye in Avengers: Endgame right now. Don't give me hope. This is a match I really want to see and judging by the Goldberg-esque Riddle chants last night, I'm not alone.

The Original Bro has long been a critic of Goldberg. He's called the Hall of Famer dangerous on numerous occasions and has never been a fan of his usual 2-3 minute matches. Following the heavily panned Goldberg-Undertaker match at Super ShowDown, Riddle lashed out at the former World Champion on Twitter:

It was at SummerSlam this year that we found out how Goldberg felt about Riddle's comments when the two bumped into each other backstage.

Goldberg doubled down on the SmackDown Blue Carpet Premiere. Sky Sports asked him about the possibility of another match which led Goldberg to shun the entire NXT brand and Riddle in particular - "I have no idea who Matt Riddle is."

Riddle's Jackhammer Wednesday is just the latest teaser that this match could actually happen. There are two big questions though. If Riddle thinks Goldberg is so dangerous, would he actually step in the ring with him? Also, would The Hall of Famer put the up-and-comer over? He should.

If this match were to happen there is absolutely no reason for Riddle to lose. A win for Goldberg means nothing to him at this point in his career. In fact, there's really not a whole lot left for Goldberg to do in a wrestling ring period.

He had his match with The Undertaker. It didn't go the way anyone wanted, but he got his redemption against Dolph Ziggler at SummerSlam. The ongoing beef with Riddle is the last juicy rivalry left for the 52-year-old. The story is already written. The cocky young gun vs. the grizzled vet who still wants to prove he's the gunslinger of old.

These two clearly do not like each other, but hopefully, they can find a way to work with each other. If they can, the build to the match could be epic. Real-life heat often makes for the best on-screen conflict. Remember Matt Hardy and Edge fighting over Lita?

This is something the entire WWE Universe deserves to see play out on TV.

My hope would be that this match gets booked for WrestleMania 36. Riddle should get the clean win after a hard-hitting 6-8 minute match. The two could then shake hands after hopefully earning each other's respect. Goldberg could then walk off into the sunset never to return to the ring again.

Riddle, on the other hand, could begin the build to the next dream match with Brock Lesnar.

What are your thoughts? Do you want to see Goldberg and Matt Riddle square off in the ring?

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