
Opinion: Who is WWE Superstar of The Year 2018?

Roman Reigns was one of WWE's top stars this year
Roman Reigns was one of WWE's top stars this year

2018 is almost coming to an end and 2018 has been kind to quite a lot of WWE Superstars as they reached the pinnacle of their divisions and accomplished a lot in these 365 days.

This article will look at the top candidates in the running for the title 'Superstar of the Year'. This list will include only 3 top stars who have had a great year. These three are Seth Rollins, Braun Strowman, and Becky Lynch.However, a few deserving superstars have been left off this list due to its short length and they fall under the category 'Honorable mentions'.

The honorable mentions for this list are AJ Styles and Ronda Rousey.

The candidates will be graded according to their ring work, character work and accomplishments through the year.

Now, let's get down to the first candidate of this list.

Note: This list only takes into account the main roster superstars, which is why NXT's best stars have been left out.

1.Seth Rollins

Seth Rollins restored prestige to the Intercontinental Championship in his first reign
Seth Rollins restored prestige to the Intercontinental Championship in his first reign

Ring work: 9/10

Character Work: 8/10

Accomplishments: Won the Intercontinental Championship twice, Won the Raw Tag Team Championship and became a Grand Slam Champion

Seth Rollins is one of WWE's most consistent performers. He always manages to put on a great show in the ring, which is why he has achieved a ninety percent for his ring work.

Rollins' character shows him as a resilient,die-hard babyface who stands for what is right. He had an incredible performance in the Gauntlet match that took place in February; that showcased his character to perfection.

His current feud with Dean Ambrose also tells us a lot about how good his character work is. However, Rollins' feud with Dolph Ziggler over the summer saw him use shortcuts such as roll-ups to win, which played against his character.

Rollins won the IC title at Wrestlemania from The Miz, and he won it again against Dolph Ziggler at Summerslam. His first reign was incredible as he put on great matches night after night and defended it regularly.

However, his second IC title reign was forgettable as it was overlooked and overshadowed by the story-line of the Shield and the aftermath of Dean Ambrose's betrayal. Rollins also won the Raw Tag Team titles with Ambrose, but Ambrose betrayed him seconds after that. I don't know if you could even count that as a title reign.

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