Opinion: Why Roman Reigns shouldn't break Dean Ambrose's long-standing record

Despite not wrestling a single match in 2018, Dean Ambrose still holds quite an impressive match record in WWE, but Roman Reigns is closing in on it and could overtake his former Shield teammate in the coming weeks.
From January 1st, 2015, Ambrose has wrestled more matches in WWE than anyone else with 586, but his friend Reigns is not far behind him with 573 matches.
When appearances are taken into account as well, which includes special referee spots or working as a manager, Ambrose still tops the list with 592, whilst Big E is in second with 583.
Of course, Ambrose is still out injured and hasn't wrestled in more than six months, with current rumors suggesting that Ambrose could be out injured for at least another two months.
Reigns only has to wrestle 14 more matches in the next two months to take over the record, but it could be argued that the former World Champion doesn't deserve to be the man to overtake Ambrose.
There is a reason Ambrose was the one who held the record in the first place since he is known to be one of the hardest working wrestlers in the company and someone who rarely takes any time away from the business.
Ambrose doesn't have the long list of accolades that Roman Reigns does and is still the only former member of The Shield that hasn't been able to main event WrestleMania.
Ambrose has been someone who has worked hard for everything that he has been handed and this record proved it.
Reigns doesn't have the same work ethic since he missed the most recent episode of Monday Night Raw, something that Ambrose only did when he was injured or to take his long overdue honeymoon with his wife Renee Young.
The fact that Ambrose is so far ahead of any other Superstar when it comes to matches wrestled in the past three years despite not stepping in the ring for more than six months shows how much he is willing to give for the company.
Reigns has only recently caught up whilst the former World Champion was injured and he isn't the person who deserves to overtake Ambrose, especially whilst he's stuck on the sidelines.