
Opinion: Why Seth Rollins won't be turning heel soon

Seth Rollins: Babyface or heel?
Seth Rollins: Babyface or heel?

With WWE Superstar and former Universal Champion Seth Rollins becoming the central baby-face of Monday Night RAW, the once popular 'Architect' of The Shield has become one of the most polarizing figures in WWE. Polarized reactions have become a trend for WWE in regard to their portrayal of top babyface characters such as John Cena and Roman Reigns. Despite Rollins being considered one of the best in-ring performers in WWE, many feel that the company has miscast him as RAW's top babyface. Critics believe his character appears dull and in many cases, too cringe-worthy to be taken seriously. Because of this, many fans clamor for Seth Rollins to turn heel, just as they wanted to see John Cena and Roman Reigns turn.

Although the idea of Rollins turning heel may sound appealing considering his character has become somewhat dry over the years, it's most likely that WWE will keep Rollins as a babyface for the near future, as there is a lack of perceived star-power on the main-roster. With Rollins becoming one of WWE's most protected and credible Superstars, it's understandable if the company continues featuring him as a main event babyface, especially since there aren't many full-time wrestlers on the roster that can fill that role. Although there are popular stars on the main-roster, none have been given the John Cena-esque time and effort that the likes of Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns have been given.

This isn't to say that Rollins himself has become a massive draw for the company, but WWE may feel that he is the best option for that top role at present due to the long-time establishment of his character on TV. Wrestlers such as Braun Strowman and Bray Wyatt, who despite being two of the more beloved superstars within the WWE fandom, haven't been given the time and effort to be established as main event stars the way Rollins was. After all, not long ago Seth Rollins was part of The Shield faction, which is considered one of the most successful and popular groups in wrestling over the past decade. Even when that act came to a halt in 2014, Rollins was automatically groomed for the main event spotlight. He even went on to win the WWE championship at Wrestlemania less than a year after The Shield's demise.

To his credit, Rollins still maintains a good portion of fan support, despite receiving unfavorable reactions in recent times. With WWE making a long-term investment in conditioning their audience to view Rollins as a main-event attraction, it's safe to assume that the company will probably keep him as a babyface for the time-being. Although plans could change, if the company decides to push someone else they feel is better for the role.

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