
Predicting all the Champions at the end of WrestleMania 35

Which WWE Superstars will leave WrestleMania 35 as champions?
Which WWE Superstars will leave WrestleMania 35 as champions?

WrestleMania is the biggest Wrestling extravaganza of the year for many fans. Millions of fans all over the world wait to see their favorite superstars walk out of WrestleMania with the gold around their waist.

This year's WrestleMania is shaping up quite nicely since Royal Rumble. With two fan favorites winning the Rumble, it looks like WM 35 will be a great night for all the fans around the globe.

Every wrestler has a dream of having their own WrestleMania moment. In my previous article, I have discussed some of these Moments.

Walking into WrestleMania with a Championship is one thing, but walking out with your hand raised in victory and a championship around your waist is a great experience for any WWE Superstar.

A total of 10 titles would be defended this year at the grandest stage of them all. Surely some new champions will be crowned, while some champions will reign supreme and retain their titles. A lot of excitement, surprises, shocks and memorable moments will be created surely!

In this article, let's predict all the champions that will walk out of WrestleMania with their hand held high. Do let us know your thoughts and comments.

#1 Cruiserweight Champion

Will Murphy walk out of WM still the cruiserweight champion?
Will Murphy walk out of WM still the cruiserweight champion?

Buddy Murphy has been the most dominating Cruiserweight champion since the introduction of the title, maybe only second to the King of Cruiserweights, Neville.

Ever since winning the title at the Super Show Down in Australia, Murphy has clearly been on the top of the mountain at 205 live.

Recently, Drake Maverick announced a tournament to determine the challenger for the Cruiserweight Championship at WrestleMania.

In my prediction, whoever that challenger is, Buddy Murphy will walk out of WrestleMania as the Cruiserweight champion after a great match.

Prediction: Buddy Murphy

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