
Predicting the 13-match card for WrestleMania 35

The match that was teased on SmackDown 1000
The match that was teased on SmackDown 1000

The show of shows is almost upon us, and WWE is yet to announce the Mania card except for the main events. It has been reported that WWE still hasn't decided on what the card would look like.

It seems that the company is desperately trying to fill up the card, and Batista's shocking return this past week on Raw was a clear indication of this fact. No matter what, the WWE will somehow come up with a fleshed out card by the time Mania rolls around.

With WWE having zero ideas on how to utilize the likes of Braun and Balor, I'm excluding them from the card and letting the scenarios play out, heading into WrestleMania.

Until then, let's take a look at matches that could take place at the grandest stage of them all, based on current rumors and storylines.

#1 Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal (pre-show)

The 5th annual memorial battle royal
The 5th annual memorial battle royal

The annual battle royal has been a Mania staple since its inception at WrestleMania 30. The match was won by Cesaro who bodyslammed The Big Show to win the spot-fest and receive a push that eventually went nowhere.

With how WWE has treated their recent NXT call-ups, they need to do some damage control and let one of them win the whole thing. My pick to win the match is EC3, who is in dire need of a push to the main event scene.

Winner: EC3

#2 Cruiserweight Tournament finals (pre-show)

Who'll meet Murphy at Mania?
Who'll meet Murphy at Mania?

Buddy Murphy spent the better part of 2018 bringing back the prestige of the Cruiserweight title.

Currently, there's a tournament going on to determine the challenger for Murphy, and it's almost a lock that the challenger will be facing the champion at WrestleMania, of course on the pre-show.

With Alexander having gotten his shot at the title previously, I'm going with Tony Nese to win the tournament and face off against Murphy for the belt.

Winner: Buddy Murphy

#3 WWE Tag Team title unification open

It's time to unify the titles again
It's time to unify the titles again

With the lack of well-built teams on the roster at the moment, there's dire need to unify the tag team titles and have a singular championship for both brands.

WWE will most probably have a tag team title open with teams from both rosters battling it out for the unified championships. The open will most certainly be a spot fest, with at least four teams from both brands competing in it. This could be something like what the WWE did with the Cruiserweight title at WrestleMania 20.

SmackDown teams: The Hardy Boyz, The Usos, Sheamus and Cesaro, The New Day.

Raw teams: Roode-Gable, The Revival, Richochet-Aleister Black, Heavy Machinery.

Winners: Richochet-Black

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