Pro Wrestling News: Killer Kross explains the difference between him in real-life and the character

The art of kayfabe
Whether it's back in the pioneer days of the sport or the year 2019, the importance of kayfabe can never be underappreciated. And even in a time where the jig is up when it comes to professional wrestling, there are still dozens of wrestlers who are able to fool the fanbase and even reporters into believing something completely fabricated.
Thanks to social media, this has become a bit easier for performers to pull off, with many of them opting to stay in character, for the most part, on sites like Twitter to instill this theory that they may not be wearing a mask at all. At a point where the fans are more focused on high work-rate matches, being able to give a competitive performance while also building your character is necessary for becoming a star. If you can't do both, you could easily become lost in the shuffle.
When does Kevin Kesar become Killer Kross?
With many performers, some don't know where the person ends and the character begins. Chris Jericho, The Revival, Maxwell Jacob Friedman, the list goes on. Another that we can add to it is Killer Kross, who has been able to bridge the gap between himself both on and off-screen.
Both Kross and the man who plays him, Kevin Kesar, are very intelligent people, able to draw people in with only a mic in his hand, something that you'll easily be able to see when watching his interview with Chris Van Vliet. During the discussion, he was asked when
Again, at the risk of sounding totally nuts, I'm not Killer Kross. But Killer Kross is definitely a real thing, and um, I think that people would agree that when they go to the shows they're getting something very visceral, very carnal, and very real, in the way that we can use that word for this, out of him. So, we put him away until the music and the lights start.
While Kesar is not Killer Kross, Kross is definitely a part of him, and something that's able to be set free under the bright lights.
If you'd like to hear more from Kross about his career, what inspired him in his younger years, and his thoughts on NXT and AEW, make sure to check out the full interview with Chris Van Vliet above.
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