Pro Wrestling News: Killer Kross was inspired by classic horror films

The classic face-heel dynamic
Professional wrestling is, at its core, a drama. You want a story about the hard-working family man trying to earn an honest dollar while being put down by his well-off silver spoon-fed counterpart? Dusty Rhodes vs Ted Dibiase.
You're looking for an inspirational tale about a small competitor overcoming the odds against larger than life villains? We just saw this play out in Chad Gable's nearly perfect run in the King of the Ring.
Tales as old as time, yeah, but these inspirational tales of triumph and glory are what we wrestling fans crave. However, sometimes we get something unique, something really out there that catches our attention and never lets go just because of how different it is from the status quo. Legends like the Undertaker and Sting and more modern performers like Bray Wyatt, Broken Matt Hardy, and Rosemary have all piqued the interest of fans throughout the decades.
Horror films and Killer Kross
If there's one current wrestler that is the definition of 'unique', it's Killer Kross. Anyone that's seen the various promos that he's delivered through multiple companies know that his delivery is...different. In fact, whatever he's doing feels less like a drama and more like a scary movie. According to him, that was intentional.
In an interview with Chris Van Vliet, Kross revealed several of his inspirations, from former performers like Sean O'Haire to the films that caught his attention as a kid.
One thing that I really have always tried to do is create an emotional engagement and a response, to understand the purpose of what we are really doing out there and for me it's always been to elicit emotion and engage people with the art of storytelling. I grew up in that time when 80's horror films, and early 90's horror films, they didn't make sense and that was unsettling. Remember how things used to be?
Kross specifically mentioned Re-Animator, the 1985 horror movie based loosely on H.P. Lovecraft's short story of the same name. The majority of Lovecraft's work is based around the feeling of uncertainty, confusion, and the lack of understanding, which seems to be Kross's M.O.
It's like you've been walking down this street your entire life, you know exactly where everything is, and then one day you walk down and everything is different. It's just something as simple as that, it freaks people out, they feel displaced. So, I've always tried to create that kind of atmosphere in what I'm doing.
If you'd like to hear the rest of Kross's interview with Chris Van Vliet, check out the full video below.
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