
Ranking all former NXT Champions' main roster careers

Who stands out?
Who stands out?

In an era of professional wrestling defined mainly by a decline in interest levels and audience numbers, NXT has, on more than one occasion, offered fans some hope that a brighter future is on its way.

Whether it is the smaller platform or the freedom to be a little different, the WWE Universe has taken to NXT in a big way. When scanning the current WWE main roster you soon realise how much of a debt is owed to the efforts of Triple H in issuing in the 'New Era'.

The problems have often stemmed from the inability of RAW and Smackdown's writing team to convert the initial promise into something permanent on the big stage. Many an NXT superstar has seen their career take a nosedive since their promotion, which in some cases has been a real shame.

Of all the NXT graduates, there exists a select few who were trusted with representing the Wednesday night show as its champion. And like those that exist around them, not all of the former champs have impressed following their departure.

Here, we analyse the main roster success of all 10 former NXT Champions:

#10 Bo Dallas

Nowhere left to go?
Nowhere left to go?

Propping up this list is the current Miztourage member Bo Dallas. There was definitely a time, early on in Bo's main roster career, where things were looking fairly positive for NXT's third champion. He initially debuted as part of the 2013 Royal Rumble match, eliminating then Intercontinental Champion Wade Barrett, leading to a mini-feud between the two.

After a period of time back on the NXT roster, Dallas was finally given a more permanent call-up, but was given a gimmick not best suited to main event longevity. Bo portrayed a kind of motivational speaker, asking people to 'bo-lieve' in themselves but using every heel tactic in the book to win matches.

Despite the gimmick not being too favourable, Dallas almost slipped into an accidental push after going on a streak of wins against seemingly better opponents than himself. However, in typical WWE fashion, the rug was pulled from under him just as the crowd really were starting to 'bo-lieve'. His unexpected and unnecessary loss to R-Truth marked the last time anyone took the guy seriously.

After a long time on the backbenches, Bo has now found himself with a supporting role that at least requires him to be on television on a regular basis. Despite having the chance to work with The Miz -- somebody the company actually treats as an important part of their roster -- nobody seriously expects either Dallas or Curtis Axel to go anywhere from here.

More likely, just as the writers decide they have had enough of the Miztourage, Dallas will fall back into irrelevance again.

This is a sorry state for a former NXT Champion to be in after a good few years on the main roster, which is why he sadly must come in last place.

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