
Ranking all of WWE's current champions (post Royal Rumble 2019)

Let the games begin.
Let the games begin.

Another major weekend in WWE is in the books, with a TakeOver and the Royal Rumble now having passed us by, setting the table for the road to WrestleMania weekend. With a major weekend (and the week after that) came a slew of title changes, with four titles having switched owners.

There are 16 current champions across the company's different brands, and if that's not enough, another set is coming with the women's tag team titles being awarded at Elimination Chamber.

Which champions can we expect to get the most out of during this biggest time on the WWE calendar? They're ranked according to their own abilities - ring work, charisma, and so on - as well as the prospects of their reign bringing excitement to their respective division. Each quality matters when discussing how good a champion is.

Let's take a look.

Warning - this post contains NXT spoilers.

#16 Chad Gable and Bobby Roode


Unsurprisingly, the Raw Tag Team Champions again find themselves on the bottom of the list. It's a random pairing of two former singles stars that WWE obviously didn't know what else to do with, and they haven't even been given a story to change this perception.

The two basically remain singles stars taped together, with Bobby Roode still woefully misused as a babyface and Chad Gable only existing.

The Raw Tag Team division remains the worst in the company by a country mile, with no teams having any mojo and as a result, no real prospects for Chad Gable and Bobby Roode's reign as tag team champions.

The division is so poor that they teamed two separate stars from two teams together at the Royal Rumble against the champions in a random match. It's so levelled for talent that they paired Zack Ryder, who got one Raw match in 2018, and Curt Hawkins, who is on a 257 match losing streak, back together to make up the numbers.

The only thing that can redeem this division is a massive shakeup after WrestleMania. Roode and Gable have a zombie reign.

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