
Ranking all the Current Champions in WWE

Who's the strongest and weakest Champion in WWE right now?
Who's the strongest and weakest Champion in WWE right now?

WWE is arguably the biggest wrestling promotion in the world right now. Most of the wrestlers who are in WWE have worked day and night to get to where they are. These wrestlers love what they do, and being in front of thousands of fans, entertaining them is what makes them love their jobs.

Being a champion in WWE is a big deal. It means that the higher authorities believe in you to lead the locker room, and set an example for others to give your best. WWE and Vince McMahon have often been accused of putting the Championship on a wrong candidate, thus leading to the title losing its credibility.

Currently, there are 9 Championships on the main-roster (RAW and SmackDown) - Universal Championship, WWE Championship, RAW and SmackDown Women's Championship, RAW and SmackDown Tag Team Championship, Intercontinental Championship, United States Championship, and the Women's Tag Team Championship.

In this article, let's take a look at all the current champions, and rank them on the basis of the quality of their title reign, their performance as champions, crowd support, and the overall credibility that they bring to WWE and their brand as the leaders. Feel free to share your opinions and views in the comments section below.

#9 The IIconics - Women's Tag Team Champions

These two are good heals, but it's tough to take them seriously!
These two are good heals, but it's tough to take them seriously!

The IIconics dethroned the former Women's Tag Team Champions, Sasha Banks and Bayley, at WrestleMania 35 in a fatal-four-way match to become the second ever Women's Tag Team Champions.

While these two certainly have been working so hard to get women's tag team wrestling the status that it deserves, their run with the titles so far has been, unfortunately, disappointing.

I get it that they are heels, but the way they carry the titles and act, it decreases its credibility. Especially considering that these titles are very new, they need proper champions who can make them look like a huge thing.

Peyton Royce and Billie Kay constantly losing in singles and tag team matches after WrestleMania, is also not helping them. With all due respect to the IIconics, the sooner WWE takes the titles off them, better it will be for the Women's Tag Team division.

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