
Ranking Every WWE Match Of Ronda Rousey

New Sensation
New Sensation

5 years ago it would have struck many as absurd that the WWE's biggest, most hotly anticipated signing in years would come from their women's division. It is a credit both to the WWE themselves and Ronda Rousey that women's wrestling is in the position it is today.

Despite Ronda having a UFC background, her presence inside the WWE squared circle just feels right. Women's wrestling is on the up and is finally ready to create it's first big superstar. The jury may still be out on who that will ultimately be, but given her already globally recognised name and brand, Rousey most certainly has a head start.

It's not unfair to say that her WWE career to date has exceeded expectations. Crossover starts in Pro Wrestling have had varying degrees of success, and not since Ken Shamrock has a UFC star actually made it to Vince McMahon's conglomerate convincingly.

Ronda's WWE career has much riding on it. Not only could she be the key to finally unleashing women's wrestling to the same heights of the men, but a successful few years with the company will open doors for other would-be pro wrestlers. We are so used to see WWE talent jump ship to UFC that it would be a welcome sight to see it occur in the reverse. If it works for Rousey, why wouldn't it work for the likes of McGregor?

Putting all that to one side, Ronda has been a delight ever since joining the company, and it is such a respectful compliment to say that she is yet to have a bad match. Here we look at Ronda Rousey's WWE career to date, ranking all her matches from worst to best. Let us know what you think about the list in the comment section below:

#7 Ronda Rousey (w. Bella Twins) Vs. The Riott Squad

No need for the Bellas
No need for the Bellas

Most fans who have enjoyed the rise of WWE's women's division over recent years will find this idea of Nikki and Brie Bella as seasoned veterans a little difficult to swallow. One might be able to view them in this way given the amount of time they've spent with the company, but what they've come to represent is essentially all the negatives we used to associate with women's wrestling.

So when the twins were paired up with Ronda Rousey for the 'Super Showdown' event in Australia earlier this year, something about the match felt a little off. Ronda has undoubtedly become a leader for this new wave of female wrestling and to see her grouped in with the limited abilities of the Bellas only resulted in preventing her from displaying her true talents on what was a big night for the company.

The match wasn't terrible and did serve to highlight the often underrated Riott Squad, with Ruby in particular putting on a decent display.

The main drawback of this affair was that nagging feeling it gave you that a one-on-one bout between Rousey and Riott might have been the way to go.

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