
Ranking the top 10 WWE title changes of 2019

Double title change.
Double title change.

The year 2019 has been pretty interesting for WWE. A lot has happened in the last twelve months. From the rise of NXT to the women headling WrestleMania's main event for the first time in the company's history to the desperate Wildcard rule and the beginning of the deal with FOX, there has been a whole host of moments. These occurred both on the main roster and NXT and managed to capture the adulation of fans this year.

And with close to twenty Championship titles under the WWE banner, a lot of title changes are bound to be memorable. Some of them for the right reasons, while some for the wrong ones. Here, we will focus on the former.

Good title changes do not happen that often, but WWE does know how to book one. A strong story along with a wild crowd could turn a decent match into a great one while in some cases, the match is just good enough on its own to warrant remembrance.

Here are a few matches and moments, where a championship changed hands, that will be remembered as some of the best of 2019. These are the top ten WWE and NXT title changes that happened this year.

#10 Rey Mysterio defeats AJ Styles for the United States Championship (RAW 25/11)

What a timeless performer.
What a timeless performer.

Rey Mysterio is a legend. He is ageless and is constantly stunning the WWE Universe with his ridiculous athleticism. He proved how good he still is, both in the ring and as a character, over the past month.

Mysterio's WWE Championship feud with Brock Lesnar was excellent and had his double pinfall with Dominick ended the match at Survivor Series, the ensuing WWE title victory would have possibly ranked in the top two or three of this list.

But the Master of the 619 did get some consolation on the next night. Mysterio won a Fatal-4-Way match to earn an immediate shot at AJ Styles' United States Championship.

The Ultimate Underdog was at it again, as he picked up a surprising victory against the 'Phenomenal One', thanks to the help from Randy Orton, and went into ultimate celebration mode. Dominick lifted his legendary father on his shoulders, as he once again defied everything to capture gold.

It was the same championship that Mysterio had to relinquish due to injury earlier in the year as well, which made this victory even sweeter. Hopefully, the Lucha legend can go on a serious run and defend the title against various up-and-comers on RAW, like Andrade and Humberto Carrillo among others.

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