Rating the chance of victory that each Men's Money in the Bank 2019 competitor has

Money in the Bank is fast approaching, and from the looks of the card, it could be a fantastic show, and as always, the highlight will be the two Money in the Bank Ladder matches taking place. The men's match has a rich history, and includes winners such as Edge, Daniel Bryan, Rob Van Dam, John Cena, CM Punk, Randy Orton and others. It's clear from that that winning this briefcase could be the ticket to WWE's main event scene.
The last two men's winners have been quite disappointing, and it's hurt the prestige of the match, but if WWE can book this well, the winner of this year's bout could be in for a huge push. So without further ado, today we are going to look at the men's Money in the Bank match, and analyse from 8-1 which performers have the best chance of climbing the ladder and coming out victorious on May 19th.
#8 Baron Corbin

Despite being this far down on the list, knowing how WWE operates and enjoys making controversial decisions to annoy the fans, it wouldn't surprise anyone if WWE's most hated performer pulls out a win here. Sure, the former RAW General Manager does get heat from the WWE Universe, but unfortunately, it's not the right kind of heat, but management have still been insistent on forcing him down our throats regardless.
Corbin is one of 3 men in this match to already become Mr. Money in the Bank, but unfortunately, his cash-in attempt did not result in success, and given that, no one really wants to see him climb the ladder again. WWE have an annoying heel character on their hands here, and if used properly in the mid card, he could be quite effective, but right now, he isn't, and we hope they figure that out before Money in the Bank arrives.