
WWE Reports: Who was behind Cena's strong display on Raw?

John Cena battling Bray Wyatt on Raw

As seen on this week’s episode of Monday Night Raw, John Cena put out a strong show as he convincingly beat up and dominated Bray Wyatt entirely during his singles match against the Eater of the Worlds.

PWInsider has noted that Vince McMahon was the reason behind Cena’s strong booking and that he handled all the material for the former WWE World champ by writing and putting everything together.

After the vicious beating Cena received at the hands of Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam and losing the titles in a weak fashion, Vince felt that it would be detrimental for Cena with regards to his fan support and followers if he did not comeback with a strong statement on the show.

The fans could have lost faith in him and so Vince decided that Cena should make an immediate statement to regain his lost grounds.

Cena faced Bray Wyatt on last week’s Raw. Here is the video of that match.


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