
Reports: WWE's situation with Emma after her arrest, Santino's new role

WWE Diva Emma alongside Santino Marella

As reported earlier, WWE Diva Emma was arrested from the Wal-Mart store prior to the Raw show in Connecticut. She was released a few hours later after the police officially confirmed that she was taken into custody for shoplifting.

WWE responded in an awkward manner by releasing her and then reinstating her as an employee on the same day. It is believed that most of her fellow roster members trusted her when she said her arrest was a mistake.

There were rumours suggesting that Emma was in trouble with her work Visa because of her arrest, but the Hartford police have confirmed that there has been no such issue.

Apparently, reports suggest that the Australian native will not be working on-screen due to the incident. WWE are keeping her away from TV in order to cool down the arrest story and with time they will be able to get her back into the thick of things.

Meanwhile, Santino Marella will continue working with the WWE in an on-screen role. The in-ring retired superstar hinted that he may take up the vacant managerial role as well on either Raw or Smackdown.

It won’t be surprising to see him working with Emma when she resumes her place. But for now, we will have to wait and see where he exactly fits.

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