
Road To WrestleMania XXX: Ideal path for Rob Van Dam

The Whole F’n Show

Back in the days of ECW, Paul Heyman was struggling to keep his ship afloat due to the inability of his performers to be family friendly and satisfy the network that aired them.

The wrestlers that Heyman had at his disposal been only suited to adults between the age of 18 and 30 much to the frustration of TNT which signed the contract as their official broadcaster. However, one triumph card that Heyman used to rectify this was The Whole F’n Show himself: Rob Van Dam.

In his illustrious career that spanned across various promotions around the world, RVD has seen it all. Even after sticking around the business for so long, Van Dam is still very much over with the fans.

And the recent rumors that he wants to return to WWE in time for WrestleMania gives life to the fans who thought that they won’t be seeing Mr. Monday night at the Granddaddy of them all.

However, with big returns come big headaches for the writers. They need to put RVD in a great credible storyline if there are to make sure that he doesn’t flop despite having the weapons.

So here is a look at how the plot can be laid to keep Rob Van Dam relevant in the company once he makes his big return.

The Beast costing the Animal

The Twist

Batista and Alberto Del Rio are scheduled to square off at the Elimination Chamber with Brock Lesnar running rampant over the fact that he still doesn’t have title shot or Batista set up.

This is going to force the Beast to act as a distraction for Batista in his match against Del Rio in order to lure the Animal into a match. The distraction would cost Batista the match as Del Rio will prove that he an ultimate opportunist like Edge and pick up the win.

A frustrated animal left in the ring can run after Brock who destroyed his momentum to WrestleMania. All these happenings will draw the battle lines for Batista and Brock Lesnar to face each other at the very next Raw which will be historic since it’s the first after the Network launch.

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