
Roman Reigns vs Undertaker, WWE WrestleMania 2017 winner, video highlights and analysis

The Undertaker found out whose yard it really is.

It looks like it may be the end of the road for the Undertaker after a crushing defeat against Roman Reigns.

Jim Ross made his return in this match, to a standing ovation. As Roman Reigns made his entry, the match was suddenly announced as a No Holds Barred match.

Undertaker made his entrance from below the ramp, mid-way. Undertaker started the match with strikes to Reigns and threw him out of the ring. Reigns charged back in but was caught by The Undertaker. Every attempt by Reigns was met with a counter by Reigns.

The action went outside, where Undertaker slammed Reigns against the steel steps. The second time they were outside, Reigns drove Undertaker into the post and followed it up with a kick.




For a while, Undertaker dominated Reigns. The Big Dog even slipped under the bottom ropes, but as he charged at The Phenom,  he was met with a punch. Undertaker got the announcer’s table ready but ended up choke slamming him on another announcer’s table, though the table didn’t break. Undertaker stood on top of the Spanish announcer's table but was met with a spear by Reigns.

Reigns stopped Undertaker from using a chair and assaulted him with it. Reigns followed it up with a spear but Undertaker kicked out. Reigns looked to finish it off with another spear but Undertaker still kicked out, much to the frustration of Reigns. 

Reigns hit him with a superman punch, and as he was getting ready for a spear, Undertaker sat up, only to fall right back down. Undertaker struggled to get back up, and Reigns struck him and hit him with a spear to finish things and make Undertaker’s streak 23-2.





As Reigns looked on at a fallen Undertaker from the ring,  Undertaker did the sit up. The moment he entered the ring, Reigns attacked him, which was unusual, as he never wrestled like a heel. As he stood on top of the second ropes and attacked Undertaker, he was hit with the last ride. 


Soon after, Reigns got a steel chair, but was hit with a kick, and Undertaker hit him with the steel chair instead. Reigns kicked out of a chokeslam and the tombstone as well. 


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