
Ronda Rousey vs Becky Lynch: Real Heat or Kayfabe?

Let's get it on!
Let's get it on!

Ronda Rousey and Becky Lynch really don't like each other. Ever since Becky Lynch challenged Ronda Rousey for the WWE Raw Women's Championship, there seems to be an undercurrent of displeasure in the air.

The Twitter rants have been revealing. Ronda Rousey has openly called WWE fake and has made fun of Becky Lynch's armbar. She also insinuated that she wouldn't last a minute in a real fight and she would break her arm off in an instant.

Becky Lynch has not held back either. Her responses and putdowns have been equally harsh. Recently on a radio show, she had this to say

It’s kind of laughable isn’t it really because she’s going cosplaying as a legend, a legend who would have gotten into a fight, who would have been so insulted by that word and by somebody not respecting our business to be able to go out there and say that.

The animosity seems almost real. The insults are personal. The WWE Universe might even be seeing a rerun. The last time this animosity was all too real was Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels. Their WWE feud was considered the best in history but the parallels are striking, to say the least.

Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels hated each other. They even had a violent backstage/locker room fight which resulted in Bret ripping a chunk of Shawn Michaels's hair out. It was that bad. But that animosity helped their matches in the ring. They were professional enough and smart enough to put out all there in the WWE ring.

A new rumor is suggesting that "Ronda Rousey has insisted she does not want to be pinned/submit by Lynch due to real life heat between the two female superstars." Are things really that bad between the baddest woman on the planet and The Man? There's probably more than meets the eye.

Sometimes, in wrestling, blurring the lines between reality and fiction, is where wrestling is at its best. When you have the audience or the WWE fans in this case, you're doing something right. Do they hate each other? To be honest, it doesn't really matter.

The rumor might just be that. A rumor put out by the WWE team to keep everyone second guessing going into the main event at WrestleMania 35. It's doing what it's supposed to be doing. In the world of WWE, anything can happen.

Whatever it may be, Ronda Rousey vs Becky Lynch vs Charlotte Flair will be better for it. Expect the unexpected.

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