
Opinion: Making A Case for A Ronda Rousey Win at Survivor Series 2018

Come Sunday, this one's going to be heated
Come Sunday, this one's going to be heated

Becky Lynch truly proved herself as the man on Monday Night RAW. In a thrilling main event segment, the Smackdown women's champion took the RAW Women's roster to task with her blue brand partners and decimate Ronda Rousey before their highly anticipated match this Sunday.

Forget the fact that this writer was foolish enough to consider an AJ Styles/Brock Lesnar main event at Survivor Series. It is now time for WWE to strike the iron on this blockbuster women's match and let them close the show. The two have built their bout inside and outside the ring with aplomb. They deserve the spotlight.

However, there's a foolish request to make. Despite the whole arena cheering a blood-soaked Becky, WWE would do to tread carefully and let her lose the hyped contest. It sounds very silly, considering the many moments in the past decade where WWE have failed to capitalize on such nuclear heat. They got a redemptive chance with Daniel Bryan in 2014, but that's a one in a billion shot.

So then why would we call for a Becky Lynch loss?

Because whether you believe it or not, the greatest of superstars forge themselves in the fire of a great loss that made them made men, or in this case 'The Man'. Think about it, from Daniel Bryan to Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Bryan got schooled at Wrestlemania 28 in 18 seconds, the company didn't even give him a chance. Yet it fueled his one year rise to the top, that saw him topple not only John Cena but Batista, Randy Orton, and Triple H as well, Stone Cold Steve Austin became a made man twice over, as blood spewed from his head locked in a sharpshooter.

This was Wrestlemania 13, touted as the night Attitude era was really born. The key thing to remember, Stone Cold never gave up.

The anti-hero has been a point of comparison for the recently changed Lynch. Her attitude reflecting a formerly lost confidence and swagger, as well as a tinge of bravery that certain heels lack.

Becky 'Balboa' needs this moment to legitimize her!
Becky 'Balboa' needs this moment to legitimize her!

One wouldn't even hesitate to suggest that this is the very template WWE could use in the upcoming match, both preserving Ronda's streak and putting over Lynch-like no other. The two women are after all evenly matched with their arm breaker submission moves.

Becky Lynch not tapping out but passing out to Ronda would be a great homage, as well as a hugely appreciated moment on a show destined to lack so few.

Why Ronda can't lose is a whole different ball game. Streaks are more often than not a hindrance on superstars, the breaking of which create potentially strong arcs moving forward. However, in the recent past, WWE has shown its incompetence in moving forth with a character after their streak broke.

Asuka, Ryback and even the Undertaker are grand examples of WWE's inability to perceive the vulnerabilities of formerly impervious characters. Sure Ronda is a different breed, a mainstream star who'll always be at the top full-time; but even then one can't trust management to do right by anybody these days.

Rousey's unravelling after a loss needs a bigger stage to perfect it
Rousey's unravelling after a loss needs a bigger stage to perfect it

The potential for Ronda to continue her streak just a little longer, enough to grow complacent and arrogant would make for a better tale. This is especially true as the breaking of it will then open Pandora's box, to a history of Rousey's which she has oft been uncomfortable with.

Ronda's losses in the UFC and the way she handled them spoke to her flawed champions mindset. That tale could be used wisely and with more potency, if she mows down half the RAW locker room, many of which are able to take the losses their way.

At the same time a loss at Wrestlemania, to a worthy opponent most likely Charlotte creates an intriguing wrinkle. Sure not everyone is a fan of the Queen, her push feeling very Roman Reigns like; in the case never-ending and poorly graphed. Yet, Charlotte's win does legitimize her status in a division needing a face to anchor it.

So then why not Becky as that anchor?

Because much like Daniel Bryan and ironically even Stone Cold before her, Lynch makes perfect sense as the outsider who made it despite everything else. For that to work, WWE as management must play to the meta-narrative of their favourites versus fan favourites.

Let's face it, in the post-modern climate of today's WWE; the cheered and beloved are those that the company doesn't deem worthy. WWE has had to play it safe with a lot of deserving superstars in this landscape. Fans at least a heavy percentage of them just won't cheer the management's chosen one, on the simple basis of them being chosen for the job.

It's a conundrum and it doesn't excuse WWE's terrible booking of its chosen one's either. Yet it factors into the whole reason Lynch is better of playing the rightly entitled but fighting anti-hero.

What WWE can do moving forward with what should main event Survivor Series, finally pay promise on their idea of the Women's Evolution. Pushing past a faux liberal agenda to appeal to the vocal demographic.

WWE could really do the purely feminist thing and not only give Rousey and her possible opponent Charlotte the blockbuster main event at Wrestlemania. They could also add Becky Lynch and whosoever she faces in a prominent position on the very same card, factoring in the grand ideal that two women's championships stand head and shoulders with the two male world championships.

After all, that is the true mantra of equality this Evolution. If they need proof positive of this, they have it right there in the two women duking it out this Sunday. Ronda is a mainstream sensation with popularity through the roof. Don't let Monday Night's main event segment fool you, she does get vocal support when Becky isn't around.

Yet that segment just goes to show that Becky Lynch is on a whole other stratum of popularity. If that doesn't prime WWE on the idea of fan support between these two women and the division as a whole, I don't know what will.

That is why it's time to strike when the iron is hot, not just for the flame-haired lass kicker or the rowdy one but the women's evolution.

Make them the main event this Sunday, make them the main attraction come 'Mania. Make any of these two women win even if you want, cause we all know the fans are the real winners. Becky Lynch vs. Ronda Rousey comes to you this Sunday at Survivor Series, you better not miss it!

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