
Reported original plans for Angel Garza and Andrade

Vega and her 'Boys'
Vega and her 'Boys'

Last week on RAW we saw Zelina Vega's associates Angel Garza and Andrade finally resolve their issues and it looked like the two were on their way to tag-team glory.

While talking about the match between Andrade, Garza and The Viking Raiders this week, Bryan Alvarez and Dave Meltzer discussed that Andrade and Garza were set to win the tag-team titles at some point.

Dave Meltzer went on to add that he's not sure if they will get to win the Championships during their ongoing feud but the plans were in place for them to become Champions at one point.

Speaking about Andrade and Angel Garza, Meltzer had mentioned previously on WOR that the higher-ups in WWE are keen on Angel Garza and may be looking to give him a singles push.

"Andrade and Garza are okay. I know they are in the long-term plans. They are okay for now, and I think Garza more than Andrade for the long-term. But short-term, you know I think Garza and Andrade are destined for the tag team title. If not, certainly championship matches."

What does the future hold for Andrade and Angel Garza?

Both Garza and Andarde are former Champions in WWE and have all the makings of top Superstars.

Andrade and Zelina Vega have been a pair since NXT, and hopefully will remain so in the future. It should be Garza who breaks away from the group as he does not need a mouthpiece given that he already has oodles of charisma.

There have been backstage reports even suggesting that Vince McMahon sees a younger Eddie Guerrero in Angel Garza.

The RAW tag-team division needs more top tier tag-teams now that the feud between The Viking Riders and The Street Profits is over. Garza and Andrade would be the perfect team to take on The Street Profits especially after their comedy feud with The Viking Raiders.

While Garza keeps a calm demeanour outside the ring, both him and Andrade have a fierce in-ring style which will mesh well with the Street Profits' style of matches inside the WWE ring.

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