
From the WWE Rumour Mill: Finn Balor was never considered by the WWE to be Seth Rollins' tag-team partner

Just what is going on with Finn Balor?
Just what is going on with Finn Balor?

What's the story?

Dave Meltzer was asked on Twitter if there was any truth to the claims that he reportedly made, that the WWE had Finn Balor penciled in to be Seth Rollins' new tag-team partner before they went with Jason Jordan instead. Here's what he had to say:

In case you didn't know...

Seth Rollins was left without a tag-team partner after Dean Ambrose was injured during a match between Rollins, Ambrose and Jason Jordan vs The BAR and Samoa Joe. Ambrose's injury was then made significantly worse when he was attacked backstage by a brutal Samoa Joe.

On the following Monday Night RAW Seth Rollins was reluctantly placed with Jason Jordan where the pair would take on The BAR in a RAW Tag-Team Title match, with the unlikely duo picking up a surprise win to become new RAW Tag-Team Champions.

The heart of the matter

So what's going on here? The news blew up that Dave Meltzer suggested that the WWE were after 'The Demon King' to tag-team with 'The Architect' and not Jason Jordan, so why is he saying that didn't happen now? Turns out, there was a bit of confusion regarding his statement.

In fact Meltzer merely suggested that the WWE 'should' have considered pairing Rollins and Balor up together as it would have made quite the tag-team for Monday Night RAW. Meltzer didn't say this was something that they were actually considering.

What's next?

To be honest I'm glad this rumour has been swiftly shot down because if the WWE were actually considering it I would have been baffled by their creative writers.

Jason Jordan replacing Ambrose makes sense given the events we've actually seen take place in recent weeks and for the sake of the ongoing storyline and character development for all involved. Throwing Balor in there doesn't.

Still, this whole commotion hasn't gone unnoticed by Balor himself who seems to be fairly up to date with what the internet wrestling rumour mill is saying about him given his recent comments on how 'over' he is. Here's what he had to say.

Author's take

The world of professional wrestling reporting can be a weird and wonderful thing. As the infamous phrase often goes, 'plans change'.

However it would seem that in this case, they were never plans at all.

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