
Shane McMahon vs AJ Styles: WWE WrestleMania 2017 winner, video highlights and analysis


AJ Styles made a mark against the SmackDown Live commissioner

 AJ Styles continued his impressive run as he defeated the SmackDown LIVE Commissioner, Shane McMahon

It came as a surprise to fans that this was the match to kick off the show. Shane McMahon looked to throw jabs to start, but AJ decided to move around to get a feel. The story told from the start of the match was AJ’s ability to outwrestle the SmackDown LIVE commissioner.

Shane then outwrestled AJ, showing off skills that he had never shown before. After AJ had struck Shane down, Shane threw jabs at AJ followed by a spinning elbow. AJ sent Shane over the announce desk with a dropkick through the ropes.

Shane even hit an Angle slam, paying tribute to the now-WWE Hall Of Famer Kurt Angle. A spot saw Shane counter a calf crusher into a rear naked choke, followed by a triangle into an armbar. 

Throughout the match, chants of "AJ Styles” were heard. The crowd seemed to be on the side of The Phenomenal One. 

A spot not long after saw Shane counter a 450 splash into a triangle. However, that wasn’t enough. AJ stood up and countered it into a Styles Clash, but Shane kicked out. Following this, while Shane was striking with him, Styles accidentally struck the referee with a kick.

As the referee was knocked out, AJ took two trash cans and teased a coast to coast. As he attempted the coast to coast, Shane struck him with the trash can that was placed on him. Shane then placed the trash can on AJ and landed the coast to coast on AJ. However, as the referee recovered, AJ kicked out.



Shane then placed AJ on the announcer's desk, looking to finish him with the elbow drop. However, he missed, and AJ put him back in the ring. Styles then missed a phenomenal forearm, after which Shane slammed him down and attempted a 450 flip, which missed. AJ then, finally, hit the phenomenal forearm for the win.

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