
Questions surround the shelving of Shane McMahon's DVD project by the WWE

Shane McMahon on stage in WWE

According to dailywrestlingnews, WWE is all set to release a DVD which covers “Best of the United States Title” next May, with a UK release scheduled for the 9th of May under the title, “The U.S. Championship – A Legacy of Greatness.” 

The franchise was originally set to release a DVD set based on the exploits of WWE head honcho Vince McMahon’s son Shane, but chose to shelve the project due to unknown reasons.

A possible explanation for the project’s cancellation could be due to the rumours floating around about Shane not being involved in the project and WWE deciding that a match complication would sell well even without the assistance of Vince’s son.

However, a project with Shane’s assistance has the potential of selling well due to his experience in the franchise. The 45-year-old started out in the WWF as a referee before moving on to mainstream wrestling.

Shane even had his fair share of memorable feuds, some of the biggest being against his father Vince, as well as Steve Blackman whom he beat to win the Hardcore Championship. He also suffered a horrific loss to the latter at SummerSlam, during which he was thrown from a height of 40 feet.

Shane also had a noted rivalry with Kane, who gave his mother Linda a Tombstone Piledriver due to her failure to name him the number one contender in the World Heavyweight Championship.


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