Six insults the WWE Universe adopted from WWE Superstars
Over the years when WWE Superstars go toe to toe with one another verbally, sometimes a phrase is shouted and the fans eat it up. Before you know it, it’s becomes a trend to say the least, and it becomes a part of the opposing superstar.
Perhaps one of the greatest insults came from Edge, who brilliantly put Kurt Angle’s music and the phrase “you suck” together, and boom you have an instant and classic chant for the WWE Universe to chant along to. In fact, do you remember when Angle came back from injury and he missed it so much that he got the crowd to chant “you suck” along with his song (he was a face at that time)?
In addition, if the insults are really a hit, fans waste no time into creating memes of their own to share on social media. It’s something more to look forward to after Raw or a PPV. So it goes to show that the insults go beyond chanting at the arenas. Memes are like a new way of saying a jab made it with the WWE Universe.
Some chants last a lifetime while others don’t last nearly a quarter of that. But at the time they were fun and fans are there to have fun at the shows. So when a Superstar says something catchy and a chant comes out of it? Mission accomplished. The WWE Universe is easily entertained, and the more fun they have, the better it is for everyone.
Here is a mix of classic and newer insults the fans adopted and uses at every opportunity.