SK Exclusive: Sonjay Dutt reveals the status of Laurel Van Ness in Impact Wrestling

What's the story?
Sonjay Dutt addressed Indian media on a recent Impact Wrestling teleconference. I asked the Impact Wrestling superstar and member of the creative team, about the status of Laurel Van Ness in Impact Wrestling.
According to Dutt, Van Ness is still with the company. While it hasn't been televised yet, she also holds the Knockouts Championship, at this point in time.
In case you didn't know...
Gail Kim became the Impact Wrestling Knockouts Champion at Bound for Glory, in front of a Canadian audience, earlier this year. She vacated the title soon after, retiring as champion, and a tournament was held to crown the next face of the Knockouts Division.
Spoiler alert hereon. Laurel Van Ness won the championship, and subsequently, rumours began circulating that she had reportedly asked for her release, as champion.
We are glad to report that she's still very much the face of the Knockouts Division, right now.
The heart of the matter
Dutt was asked to either confirm or deny the reports that Van Ness was done with Impact Wrestling. This was his response:
Well, to put it simply, she's the Knockouts Champion, and she's here.
I asked him to confirm if that meant that she's still actively a part of Impact Wrestling, at this moment. This was Sonjay Dutt's response to the question:
She's with the company.
What's next?
From the looks of it, Van Ness will be leading the Knockouts into a brand new era, which works great as she is of Canadian origin.
Impact Wrestling is a Canada-based company at the moment, and they can capitalize on this incredible young woman's talent and ability to take them into the future. I'm a fan, and I hope she is given a real chance to shine.
Author's take
For all the bad press they get, I love Impact Wrestling and want them to do well. They've just had an unfortunate 2017 thus far. Let's hope that things change, with their move to Canada.
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